Xyntax Copyright & Trademark
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Trademark Notice
Xyntax Systems is a wholly-owned division and trade name of Xyntax Group Inc., Cochrane Alberta, Canada.
All references to Xyntax and Xyntax products and services must be accurate and never be misleading in any way. Xyntax trademarks may only be used to refer to Xyntax and Xyntax products and services, and may not be combined with any other company names, product names, services names, or as part of any domain names. Xyntax logos are reserved for exclusive use by Xyntax, its licensees, and partners under written contract with Xyntax. No other uses of the Xyntax logos are permitted.
The following products, services, and taglines listed herein as well as related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Xyntax or trademarks of Xyntax Group Inc., in Canada and/or other countries. The list is provided here is for reference only and may not be complete or current and will change from time to time:
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Third-Party Trademarks
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For questions regarding Xyntax copyrights or trademarks, please contact the Xyntax Head Office:
Attn: Xyntax Systems
Units 3 & 4, 214 Grande Boulevard,
Cochrane, AB, T4C 2G4
Email: legal@xyntax.com