Community Database
More than just a membership database.
One System Engages Everyone
The Xyntax Community Database is a secure, centralized, and an integrated database of all your community and band membership records.
Designed as the statistical ‘core’ of every Xyntax system, XyntaxCD uses innovative, industry-leading, inter-module integration, to centralize your community and band membership records. Changes to personal information are recorded once, in one location and are systematically updated across all other areas—thereby eliminating manual processes, and reducing time-consuming, redundant, data entry.
Information such as:
Citizen, Section 10, and Certificate of Indian Status Numbers;
First Name, Last Name, Given Name, and even Alias Names;
Phone, Address, and E-mail;
Birth Date, Age, and Gender;
Social Insurance Number;
Voting Eligibility;
On, Off, or Other Reserve Tracking;
Indian Act and Bill C-31 Classification Tracking;
Blood Quantum;
Burial Information;
And much more.
With XyntaxCD, you’ll eliminate time-consuming, redundant data entry, while maintaining a single, up-to-date, accurate community list.
Highlighted Features
Enhanced Privacy Protection and Security
Eliminate unauthorized inquires or entries. Control who has access, and what they have access to. Robust security and proprietary encryption ensure the privacy and confidentiality of membership information; while in the background, the system tracks who did it, and whom they did it to.
Pre-built or Custom Reporting
Choose from over twenty pre-built system reports (i.e., voting lists, membership lists, on/off reserve, age demographics, minor’s trust, etc.), or create ad-hoc type reports with XyntaxRW™, based on your requirements, and dates you specify.
Link Supporting Documents with DoculinX™
View supporting documentation on screen and directly link these documents to your community records as a supporting document (e.g., Band Applications, Tenancy Agreements, Birth/Death Certificates, Photocopies of ID’s and much more).
Key Benefits
Fully integrated with all other Xyntax modules (GL, AP, AR, PO, SA, PR, PSE, CHRM).
Secure, and centralized database for higher efficiency.
Report on skills, education, employment, family and other statistical info.
One-click transfer of all statistical data with any change of membership number.
Pre-built or custom reports (i.e., voters list, membership list, demographic reports, etc.).