Project and Program Management
It's Never Been Easier to Stay on Track
Real-Time Project Management
Effective management of projects and programs can be a challenging task for even the most experienced service provider. Project and program related revenues received from federal, provincial, and other funding sources must be carefully tracked and reported on in order to guarantee future funding considerations. Therefore it becomes even more important to provide timely, accurate, and easy-to-understand reports, of project/program related expenditures. Using paper-based systems, like spreadsheet or word documents as it is common, can be very time-consuming, as it is very difficult to:
Accurately, and quickly see an overall picture of how each project or program is progressing.
Identify how much projects are costing to deliver.
Project potential expenditure pitfalls.
Capture and track the benefits they are producing.
Without easy-to-understand, real-time project/program management software, your organization runs the risk of falling short of providing services that could affect the health and well-being of your community.
The Xyntax® Program & Project Management (XyntaxPPM™) module allows you to track project/program expenditures in real-time, as it happens. Setup, track, and report on each project separately. See up-to-the-minute costs, and quickly analyze how each project/program is performing. Create project/program budgets separate from fiscal budgets, and with a single click, you can view budget to actuals. With XyntaxPPM your able to make decisions needed for delivering these projects on time and on budget, every time.
Highlighted Features
Up to the minute tracking of your projects/programs.
Integrated with XyntaxAP.
Tracks thousands of projects.
Tracking Revenue / Expenses / Budgets across fiscal years.
Key Benefits
Keeps your projects on track.
No extra data entry required.
Integrated with other Xyntax Modules.
'Real-time' calculation of actuals.